2022 Maker Club AGM!

Greetings lovely Maker Club members! It's that time again and we are planning on holding our AGM in Week 3 (Mon 1st August) so please note it in your calendars. The date, time and location of the AGM will be as follows:

5.30 PM - Friday the 5th of August
Unleash Space - 20 Symonds Street

The purpose of an AGM is to give you as members a report on activities and finances for the previous year, to allow time for members to ask questions, and to elect members of for the governing body (e.g. executive or committee members) for the coming year.

Currently, our agenda includes:

  • Apologies
  • Introductions (from current exec)
  • Presentation of Annual Report (president)
  • Presentation of Financial Statement
  • Changes to constitution
  • Election of new executive members
  • Any other business

Please do let us know if you wish to add anything to the agenda or are considering running for a position on the exec. We are happy to introduce people and their backgrounds ahead of the meeting so people have time to make informed decisions on the day.

The AGM is a super important event in a club's calendar so we encourage you as members to attend and have your say!

Want to be on the committee?

If you would like to be on the exec team (club committee) please fill in the following quick form:

Committee Nominations

Changes to the constitution

You can browse the current constitution and the proposed changes here:

Proposed Constitution Changes
MAKER CLUB CONSTITUTION NAME: The name of the Association/Club is Maker Club (Inc.) hereinafter referred to as the “Association” or “Club” OBJECTS: The objects of the Association are: To enable members to design, make and invent To support members in their projects To aid members through...

As noted above, we have a number of changes to make to the constitution. These are outlined below:

CHANGE 1: Junior Member (6.4.3)

Change Junior Member to under 18, unless enrolled at the University of Auckland, allowing all University Students to be Ordinary Members.

CHANGE 2: Subscriptions (7.0)

Remove 7.0 (subscriptions)

CHANGE 3: Changes to Management committee (9.1)

Change the list of the required committee members electable to be as follows:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

And optionally (can be elected but positions do not need to be held for a committee to be formed):

  • Member Wrangler
  • Equality Officer
  • Up to 3 General Executives (Allowing for better scaling of the club)

CHANGE 4: Changes to Quorum (9.3)

Change quorum of committee meeting from "half of its members plus one" to 51% of the committee

CHANGE 5: Common Seal (15.0)

Remove Common Seal Clause (15.0). we could still have one, but it would not be in the constitution.

Each of these changes will be voted on by you (the members), so reach out if you have any questions! We'll share more in the coming weeks and provide a refresher during the AGM.