Build a Rube Goldberg Machine!

Kia ora makers!

Tonight we're collaboratively building an overly complicated chain reaction machine (known as a Rube Goldberg machine) around the makerspace! Each person will build a small segment of the overall machine with the goal of eventually smashing a pane of glass with the maker club logo on it! Hopefully it'll make an epic video too! 😊

The event is on Friday (that's tonight!) at 5:30pm in the makerspace. Anyone is welcome (even non members). Feel free to bring items that might be fun to use in the machine including anything that rolls, flings, topples, looks interesting, or is kinetic in any way they could bring it to involve in the machine. Here's a wish list: Balls, tubes, dominoes, cards, magnets, toy cars, pulley, wheel, fan, train tracks, hotwheels, balloons, xylophone, anything else at all! See this example of what a Rube Goldberg machine can look like:

Maker Club Meetups
Every Friday from 5:30 PM till 8:00PM
Snacks, Tea, and Coffee provided - BYO dinner
Unleash Space, Engineering Building