Maker Club AGM

This is formal notice for an AGM scheduled for the first (1st) of December starting at 6:00 PM in the Unleash Space (402-445)

With the year closing in quickly, our club needs to run an AGM. It's regrettable we haven't been able to do this sooner, but this is a requirement of our club's continued existance. If you are able to make it, please register to attend here:

We need lots of participants from our maker community to run this, and would really appreciate your support ❤️ If you think what the Maker Club has done this year has been valuable to our university whānau

If you're interested in helping us make this club better (for example, keeping our team accountable and organised enough to hold an AGM sooner), we want you on the committee, but just showing up and voting will help us set the direction of the club for the next year.

The following positions are available:

  • President: run the club!
  • Vice President: 2nd in command
  • Secretary: run club meetings, communicate with members
  • Treasurer: handle club funds & help us budget.
  • Member Wrangler: Work with club members to put on member-run activities and organise events
  • Equality Officer: Make our spaces the best possible places to be! Handle code of conduct processes and ensure everyone's having a good time.
  • General Executive (GE): Help out with all of the above!
  • GE - Marketing: Share stories of what club members are working on and help people find out about our events
  • GE - Collab coordinator: Work with other clubs to run collab events, and talk to local businesses to get sponsorship

You can join the discussion on Discord if you would like to nominate yourself ahead of the in-person AGM:

To wrap things off we'll have some board games and a bit of time to get to know your fellow club members!

Thanks to everyone for a great year