Thank you all so much for coming to our annual general meeting. We hope you had fun with the candyfloss machine afterwards and tried Hayden's delicious cake. The minuets from last AGM were accepted, along with the President's and Treasures report. As for an update as to what was decided for the constitution :
Constitution Changes
Change 1: Junior membership 6.4.3
Change Junior Member to under 18, unless enrolled at the University of Auckland, allowing all University Students to be Ordinary Members.
Change 2: Subscriptions 7.0
Remove 7.0 (subscriptions)
Change 3: Changes to management committee 9.1
Change the list of the required committee members electable to be as follows:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
And optionally (can be elected but positions do not need to be held for a committee to be formed):
- Member Wrangler
- Equality Officer
- Up to 3 General Executives (Allowing for better scaling of the club)
CHANGE 4: Changes to Quorum 9.3
Change quorum of committee meeting from "half of its members plus one" to 51% of the committee.
CHANGE 5: Common Seal 15.0
Remove Common Seal Clause (15.0). we could still have one, but it would not be in the constitution.
These changes were all voted in unanimously.
We held our elections during this AGM. Here's a recap of the results:
President: Zac Miller-Waugh
Vice President: Etienne Naude
Secretary: Caroline Brown
Treasurer: Petr Bublienko
Member Wrangler: Atten Adams
Equality Officer: Not currently filled
Marketing Officer: Hugh Holroyd (This position is not yet official but we are hoping to make it so in the next meeting)
General Executives: Hayden Moore, Raymond Hu and Kate Ricketts
Member Wrangler
We have a member wrangler now! If you ever want to run an event this is the person to talk to. Our current member wrangler is Atten Adams. You can contact them with these links:
Discord: attenborough#6405
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Atten Adams
We had a great time after all the admin stuff was over making some candyfloss. Some people were interested in trying MSG (a savoury flavouring) in the candyfloss which resulted in some interesting flavours.
Sun Cake!
Hayden one of our lovely members made a cake for his moon phase display and was kind enough to share it with all of us.