Stay up to date with the maker club. These posts went out as emails to our members, and are archived here in case you need to see what we've been up to!
Cardboard Forts III: Launch Edition!
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:45 PM
📦 A massive cardboard fort in a shiny new building. 🛋️ A couch, moving faster than any couch has moved before on university property. 💰 A tape salesperson, rich beyond belief.
Join us for an epic first-week adventure in making the biggest cardboard fort we can in two hours! We have nearly two kilometres of tape, an uncomfortable amount of cardboard, and we need your help!
Check out our fort's adversary - the GroundCouch:
Alternative link to sign up for the event: https://aumc-cardboard-24.lilregie.com/
Pictures from previous cardboard fort events to get everyone dreaming: