Phew! Another week has already rushed by. Thanks again to everyone who came along - you all made for a wonderful group of people. Here's what we talked about:
- @centralcityknitting did a talk on her work yarn-bombing the massive "boy walking" statue in Potters Park.
- We talked about upcoming events
- We did a call out for any artsy people
- We asked for your help to grow the club
- We did our first group buy of pizza
- We finished our weekly meetup with an introduction to crocheting! Next time you're on-campus, come check out the start of our decorations in the Unleash Space.
Upcoming Events
Next Friday
For our weekly meetup next week, bring something you've made or are working on! We'll do a quick show and tell starting from 5:30 PM (yes, that's 15 minutes later than this week), followed by our Duct Tape Boat event kicking off from 6:15PM with Etienne leading the charge. We'll build a bunch of mini boats out of duct tape and whatever you can find around the space, then go on a short walk out into the wilderness of Auckland to test them in some water. As always, all tools and materials will be provided for the workshop.

Friday the 18th from 5:30 PM (Duct Tape Boats starting at 6:15 PM)
Location: Unleash Space, University of Auckland
Postponed Events
Sadly we have postponed the online Einsteins event as well as the in-person speed-hobby event. We'll be looking at wrapping these events into our weekly Friday meetups or holding them in the near future. Stay tuned for more!
Einsteins 2.0
Get ready to challenge your making skills! This online event will put you into teams to make something in just 10 minutes from the scraps around your home.
If you'd like to help run this event, get in touch!
Speed Dating but Hobbies
Ready to meet some people and learn some new skills? We'll have 5+ "Stations" spread around the room, and at each you'll have 20 minutes to learn some new thing. Ideas include crocheting, clay modelling/sculpting, origami, photography, photoshop, etc.
This event's looking for people to help organise and run the session, as well as people who are willing to share their hobbies! If you put your name down to help out on Friday then we'll be in touch soon.
Artists wanted
If you'd like to flex your artistic skills in your preferred medium, we're looking to form a small group to help add a bit of personality to the Maker Club designs and social media. Let us know if that sounds like you.
Bring a friend!
We want to grow our community, and the best way to do that is by having our members spread the love. Bringing along your friends will help shape the club's direction and interests, and keep new ideas flowing into the space. If you know any communities on campus that might be interested in our club, let us know so that we can reach out and send them an invite 😊
There were a few more people keen on joining in for pizza than expected! To streamline things, you can now pay using this link during the week or on Friday:
We've set it to be $7 per head for now. If it works out being cheaper, we'll reduce the price a bit. Same if it works out more expensive. Food will be a mix of Vegetarian, Vegan, and Meat options - get in touch if you want to join but have special requirements for food!
And finally, some photos from week two's gathering:

If you have more, send them our way!