Become a Member

Become a member of the University of Auckland Makers Club to participate in our regular events. Registration is free.

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Do you have a car and can help us pick this up? Please get in touch!

Having free Pizza every week, while nice, is expensive for our club! This would mean that we wouldn't be able to pay for other things such as free materials and our events. However, kai is an important way for us to socialise, and we know that the timing of our gatherings is during many people's dinner. To make this work, we're giving the option for those interested to join a split on dinner. It's like having free dinner - except you pay for it!

We'll also have some soft drinks and maybe occasionally snacks provided by the club, Unleash Space, and our friends at SciSA - this stuff is free for everyone to grab.

To keep things simple, we've set the price at $7 - this should cover enough pizza for everyone who puts money in to have a good meal, and we'll look at adjusting it if we need to. We think this is hopefully a bit cheaper than regular dining out and reflects some of the bulk discounts we can get buying as a club.

If you'd like to join the split this week, you can pay by clicking the button above via card.

Is my payment info safe with you?

Sure! We use Stripe for payments, which means your card details are never stored with the club, and you can pay with a few different methods.

What do I do on the day?

If you've put your money in, you're good to go. We'll do a final reminder at the start of the evening, then enjoy the pizza when it arrives.

I have special dietary requirements (eg vegetarian, coeliacs, etc)

We always order a good number of vegetarian pizzas, but if you're vegan, have a gluten intolerance, or have any other dietary requirements, please get in touch with us on the day or via email. 

Where do you get the pizza from?

We usually order Pizza Hut. Sometimes, we'll get something fancier if there's budget